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Name Position University,
Course Main Theme of Study Detail / Inquiry
Tetsuo Furukawa Professor Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology Department of Human Intelligence Systems(Intelligence Systems and Emergent Design) 1. Meta-modeling method to discover general model and representation from multiple datasets 2. Visual analytics of data complex 3. Interactive intelligence that learns various dynamics and kinematics
Tomohiro Shibata Professor Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology Department of Human Intelligence Systems(Intelligence Systems and Emergent Design) Basic and applied research, as well as social implementation on Robotics, behavioral neuroscience, and smart life care. Other keywords include machine learning, artificial intelligence, biological signal measurement, soft robotics, medical care, etc.
Keiichi Horio Professor Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology Department of Human Intelligence Systems(Intelligence Systems and Emergent Design) 1. Measurement and analysis of human behavior and internal state 2. Modeling and analysis of influence of human internal state on behavior and performance 3. Development of intelligent information processing method that imitates expert reasoning mechanism 4. Application of image processing, signal processing and optimization to real problems
Sozo Inoue Professor Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology Department of Human Intelligence Systems(Intelligence Systems and Emergent Design) <Human Activities in the World and Curing Future Diseases> We research technologies to recognize human activities from sensor data gathered from smartphones/devices and utilize them for various healthcare services. We also cultivate AI while gathering medical and nursing care big data.
Hiroaki Wagatsuma Professor Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology Department of Human Intelligence Systems(Intelligence Systems and Emergent Design) 1. Bio-medical signal processing, efficient sparse coding and the applications 2. Artificial intelligence, system design, rehabilitation supports inspired from non-linear dynamics in the brain-body-environment coordination 3. Sport dynamics and synergy analysis based on mathematical methods focusing on the non-linearity 4. Computational neuroscience based on theta phase coding and brain-inspired robotics
Kaori Yoshida Associate Professor Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology Department of Human Intelligence Systems(Intelligence Systems and Emergent Design) She is engaged in research on Human-Computer Interaction, especially Kansei information processing that treats human subjective information, to design human-friendly information systems.
Shuuhei Ikemoto Associate Professor Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology Department of Human Intelligence Systems(Intelligence Systems and Emergent Design) His research interests includes biologically inspired robotics and algorithms and physical human-robot interaction.
Hideaki Ishibashi Assistant Professor Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology Department of Human Intelligence Systems(Intelligence Systems and Emergent Design) 1. Theory construction for meta-learning 2. Algorithm development for general rule estimation and meta knowledge discovery based on meta-learning theory 3. Applying to cognitive science such as mathematical modeling of self-understanding and cognitive viewpoint analysis

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